Full-Time or Part-Time?
We believe it is important that formation for Christian leadership is made as accessible as possible. This means that we offer both full-time and part-time patterns of training.
Those preparing to become Lay Pastors, Lay Preachers and Locally Recognised Ministers will normally study part-time accessing classes at LKH on weekends and in other venues on a variety of patterns.
Those preparing to for Pastoral Ministry, Youth Specialist Ministry or Pioneer Ministry also have the option of studying full time or part time.
Typically full time formation for ministry involves three days a week for academic study (attending classes, reading and writing assignments) and three days a week for the practice of ministry in placement. This will usually mean attending Luther King house for two days each week during term time which amounts to twenty-four weeks a year. This pattern of study takes three years to complete leads to either a B.A. in Theology or a Diploma in Theology from the University of Manchester. Over this time students will also complete the Baptist Leadership Programme which is taught on Tuesday afternoons.
Part-time formation involves studying at weekends while continuing in employment. (It should be noted though the demands of studying mean that it is difficult to sustain for those in full-time employment and is more suited to those who are able to work part-time.)
Those preparing for pastoral ministry will study on six weekends (Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon) a year. Over four years they will work towards a diploma in theology from the University of Manchester with the option of going on to convert this into a B.A. They will also have to attend six Saturdays a year over three years to complete the Baptist Leadership Programme.
Those preparing for Pioneer forms of ministry will normally attend four extended weekends (Friday Teatime to Monday Teatime) a year over four years. They will also have to attend six Saturdays a year over three years to complete the Baptist Leadership Programme.