Governor Profiles
Karen Martindale is the Administrator and Company Secretary of the Heart of England Baptist Association having joined the staff of the Association as Secretary/PA in 1989. Prior to that she worked in the voluntary sector (housing, care of offenders and those at risk of offending) after graduating from the University of London. She has served as trustee of a variety of charities including an arts charity and an eco-activity centre, and as a School Governor. She is currently a deacon at New Life Baptist Church, Birmingham and is a Director of the Baptist Union Corporation.
Angela Wright is currently an active member of Conisbrough Baptist Church, where she has worshipped for approx.. 11 years. Her day job is as Community development and Wellbeing coordinator at Northern Adult Residential college, Barnsley. Her main passion in her work is teaching for a social purpose and enabling individuals to be the best that they can be, in all that they do. She also loves walking on beaches and cooking nice food.
Chris Upton

is the minister of West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth. He trained at NBC and was placed at Haworth as a student and has never left!
Chris grew up in the South of England and came to faith as a teenager. This faith has constantly grown and changed from a very organised conservative evangelical beginning into the progressive mess that it now is. He has MA in Religion and Public life and is currently studying for a D.Prof in Practical Theology looking into the closure of churches. He serves the Yorkshire Baptist Association as chair of their Ministry group.
Apart from theology, Chris enjoys cycling, playing cards and runs the local cinema.
Following a career in management development, Gary Serra Di Migni has been an accredited Baptist Minister since 2003. In 2010, he pioneered Church Without Walls (CWW) Baptist Church, a fresh expression of church in Manchester. Currently Co-Minister of CWW, Gary is also a chaplain to Greater Manchester Police and to Asda Longsight. he has an active commitment to ministerial formation: having served as an open learning tutor for Spurgeon's College, and having mentored students on placement in CWW, he currently serves as a placement tutor for the Nazarene Theological College, Didsbury.
Jacquie Osmund-Smith is retired from her previous career as Deputy Head Teacher. She is Chair of Telford Christians Together and has a strong belief in churches working together. She enjoys working on HEBA and national Ministerial Recognition Committees and is interested in sector/pioneering ministries and exploring alternative ways of church. She is married to a Baptist minister – they have two daughters and four grandchildren. She enjoys walking and listening to music.
Tim Presswood is Transitional Regional Minister with the North Western Baptist Association. He took up this post in January 2014 after being minister of Openshaw Baptist Tabernacle for 21 years. He continues to live in Openshaw where he is a team leader with Urban Expression Openshaw.
Tim has held a number of community roles in East Manchester. He has held senior roles within the NHS in Greater Manchester, including chairing North Manchester Primary Care Trust and Clinical Commissioning Group. He was also Chair of Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Tim chaired the East Manchester Regeneration Partnerships.
For 20 years Tim was on the board of Manchester Credit Union as either Treasurer or Chair building it from 85 members to over 20,000. He has an interest in alternative economic solutions. Tim is also a poet and liturgical writer and writes extensively with Clare McBeath.
Wayne Clarke has been a Baptist Minister in the north of England since leaving Regent’s Park College in 1988, serving in Hartlepool, Liverpool, Huddersfield and from January 2018, in Manchester. In that time he has been a specialist youth minister, he has worked for an evangelism training agency, and for eleven years he was a presenter and producer in BBC Local Radio where he won national awards for religious broadcasting. Wayne is committed to communicating faith in the media and to building church across divides of race, culture, gender and age.