(Re)Introducing Edifi Northern Baptist College’s Online Learning Programme for local churches and leaders
Edifi was founded to offer engaging, relevant, online courses for local Baptist churches and leaders to take up where they are. Courses include teaching from leading practitioners, group learning and interaction and pre and post session studies and activities. Individuals or groups can register to take part. Regular Edifi courses on a range of subjects affecting your church and community will begin this winter so watch this space. Each Edifi course stands alone but participants can follow additional courses to build skills and understanding.
Edifi is a new initiative for equipping Christian Leaders, using online technology to bring training and coaching to you, wherever you are. Edifi is based at Northern Baptist College in Manchester, but is open to all who want to serve God wherever they are. info@edifi.uk
Local Leader Training
We are delighted to offer a new Local Leader Training programme in conjunction with other Baptist Colleges. For further details and a booking form please click here
Stop Press!
Announcing the relaunch of Edifi, an online programme available to churches and individuals to bring appropriate and accessible training within your context and for your individual needs. Contact: info@edifi.uk to discuss how we can help.
Our new Edifi Co-ordinator is Margaret Gibbs

Margaret is trained in ethnomusicology, which is the study of music and its meaning in culture. She served with BMS in Nepal and Albania and then as Regional Team Leader for Asia. She is minister of Perry Rise Baptist Church, a multi-cultural congregation in South London.
Find us on twitter and Facebook @edifilearning
Louise McMahon, 15/05/2019